Archaeology of the Battle

The battlefield, like others of the period, will certainly have surviving artefacts, in particular shot from the various firearms and artillery used. Musket balls of different sizes have also been found and registered with the Finds Liaison Officer at the Museum of Liverpool (see areas appear to have been relatively unchanged since 1648, with the exception of the area to the north/north-east where Parkside Colliery and its works will have most likely led to changes in the composition of the topsoil and ground levels. Glenn Foard suggests that Winwick is ‘the only battlefield from the Second Civil War which appears to survive in a good state of preservation and may, for example, provide information about the character of the archaeological record created by the small arms and artillery then in use by the New Model Army’ (Foard and Morris 2012.) Given the relatively straightforward nature of the action, the battlefield provides an opportunity for exciting research based on systematic metal-detecting surveys.

As one of the smaller and seemingly straightforward actions of the period it has the potential for providing very useful evidence of the nature of any firefights, and other tactical developments during the battle, such as the use of the stream and sandstone banks as defensive lines. Moreover, as Winwick is the only substantially unspoilt battlefield from the Second Civil War, it is important as an archaeological example of the development in New Model Army tactics and weaponry. Winwick Church bears impact scars, which are likely to date from the battle, although could possibly have occurred during an action in 1643.


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