Contemporary Accounts

There are a number of original accounts that give details of the action. The book by Carpenter 1987 uses the evidence from most, but does not provide a comprehensive transcription and translation of them.

  • Laborderie, Olivier, J. R. Maddicott, and David A. Carpenter. "The last hours of Simon de Montfort : a new account." English Historical Review, no. 115 (2000): 378-412. Provides a translation of the newly discovered account.
  • The Simon de Montfort Society. The Last Hours of Simon de Montfort: A New Account, A Lion Occasional Paper. Evesham, undated. Provides a copy of the text of the newly discovered account from the Laborderie translation.
  • Henry Richards Luard (ed.). Matthaei Parisiensis, monachi Sancti Albani, Chronica majora, Chronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages. London: Longman & Co., 1884.
  • English Heritage. "Battlefield Report: Evesham, 1265." English Heritage, 1995. Provides extracts from Matthew Paris.

Extracts relating to the battle from the Westminster Chronicle and the account recently discovered by Laborderie are both provided on the Simon de Montfort Society website. To access their web pages CLICK HERE




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