Further reading on the Battlefield

Various authors have attempted to place the events of the battle within the landscape. In almost every case they have failed dismally because they have failed to employ the well developed techniques of landscape archaeology. While Hutton and Nichols, who were working in the late 18th century, can be excused these failures, the same cannot be said of more recent authors. These include Wright and even Burne, but most notable amongst them is Williams, whose work completely misrepresented the character of the historic terrain of the battlefield. He even invented a massive marsh on the slopes of Ambion hill for which there is no evidence at all. As a result almost all authors on the battle have provided wildly inaccurate interpretation as to where the key events of the battle actually took place.

The one exception is Foss. His study has provided the starting point for the solution of the problems of Bosworth battlefield, but it is a slim volume that focuses primarily upon locating and defining the general extent and character of Redemore. Far more needs to be done in mapping the historic terrain in detail before we have an adequate understanding of the battlefield at Bosworth.

  • Foss, P. J. (1998) The Field of Redemore : The Battle of Bosworth, 1485, Kairos Press, Newtown Linford.
  • Hutton, W. (1813) The Battle of Bosworth Field : between Richard the Third and Henry Earl of Richmond, August 22, 1485, Nichols Son and Bentley, London.
  • Williams, D. T. (2001) The Battle of Bosworth Field, Leicestershire County Council, Leicester.
  • Wright, K. S. (2002) The Field of Bosworth, Kingsway Publishing, Leicester.

The issues were recently reviewed for Leicestershire County Council by Foard, to assist in the design of future survey and interpetation of the battlefield. A copy of that report, excluding illustrations, is provided in the download area on the left of the screen.


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