
A previous conference

Civil War Conference - 1645 Part 1

Saturday 27th April 2024

Battlefields Trust & Friends of the National Civil War Centre

Civil War Conference, Newark, Saturday 27th April 2024

1645 (Part One)

1000 – 1020    Registration and tea/coffee

1020 – 1030    Welcome; Housekeeping; Friends and BT – aims & benefits of membership.

1030 – 1050    Where 1644 Part 2 Ended – Don Smith

1050 – 1150    The New Model Army – Dr. Andrew Abram

1150 – 1250    The Midlands: Cromwell’s raid around Oxford – Gregg Archer

1250 – 1350    Lunch

1350 - 1450     The Battle of Naseby campaign – Mark Linnell

1450 - 1620     Scotland – Montrose’s campaigns in 1645: including the battles of Kilsyth and Philiphaugh –Dr, Edward Furgol

1620 – 1640    Events around Newark – Kevin Winter

1640                Closing Remarks and Plans for Next Year

Costs and Booking

For members of the Battlefields Trust or Friends of the National Civil War Centre the cost, including a buffet lunch. is £30.

For non members the cost is £45. Non-members who join the Friends on the day and pay by standing order will be given a refund and pay only the reduced amount.

Tickets can be booked via Eventbrite:




For further information.

The Battlefields Resource Centre