
Battlefields Trust online lecture: The Battle of Winwick, 1648

Tuesday 18th July 2023

In a letter sent to Sir Henry Cholmley and Sir Edward Rodes on 20 August 1648 Olver Cromwell used the following words “besids what wee killd in the twoe great feights the one att Preston & the other att Warrington”. He describes two great fights in Lancashire which are afforded equal prominence in this letter. However one of the fights, Preston, has come to be far better known than the other. The other in this case being the battle of Winwick (described as Warrington in this letter) fought on 19 August 1648. In his illustrated talk Paul Wright will show that the Battle of Winwick was the last major battle of the Second Civil War, involved many thousands of men and lasted for many hours, and that it deserves better far better recognition.  

Born in Wallasey in 1964 Paul has enjoyed a 37 year career in Local Government and is currently employed by Halton Borough Council as its Operational Director of Community & Greenspace. He is editor of a railway history society journal and has two books on disused railway stations currently in print. His  interest in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms (English Civil Wars) stretches back to seeing the film ‘Cromwell’ in the 1970s but became more focused after reading Antonia Frasers book on Oliver Cromwell ‘Our Chief of Men’ during the summer of 1982. Membership of re-enactment societies between 1983 and 1997 (initially in the Sealed Knot but from 1988 with the English Civil War Society) furthered his interest in the period. In more recent years extensive reading, along with membership of the Cromwell Association and the Battlefields Trust have kept his interest in this period alive and active.



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The Battlefields Resource Centre