Smith, Sir John



Military Rank:

Major General

First Name:


Last Name:


Memorial Type:

Memorial - Funerary

Does the monument still exist?


Installation Date:



Here lieth the body of the valiant and most worthy
Gent: S[i]r John Smith kt 3d son of S[i]r Franc: Smith of
Wootton-Wawen in the county of Warwick B: descend
of the ancient family of Carington from S[i]r Michael
Carington standard bearer to K: Richard the 1st
in the Holy Land) who, w[i]th his owne hands redeemed
in the battle of Edge-Hill the banner royall of his most
sacred majestie Charles 1st for w[hi]ch signall valour
he received in the field the honour of knighthood fro[m]
his majestie. Since w[hi[ch time, he, in severall battels
gave singular testimonie of his loyaltie & courage,
especially in the memorable fight at Bramdean in
Hamps[hire] the 29 of March, where haveing rec[eived] several
wounds in p[er]suit of victorie died at Andover the 30
March 1644 & was the 1 April here interd with
great solemnity, aged 28

S[i]r Francis: Thorckmorton of Great-Coughton in the
county of Warwick Bt (his sisters son) at his charg,
this marble hath laid




Very Good

Condition Description:

Good clear text