
Bicentennial of the War of 1812

21 March 2013


Bicentennial of the War of 1812 - or the fight for Canada


Battlefield conservation and interpretation as a boost for inward investment and heritage tourism for the domestic and overseas markets.


Howard Simmons looks at the War of 1812, at what is being done to commemorate it, the benefits of commemoration and what the UK can learn from the North American experience.


'The Bicentennial is being developed by a broad alliance and partnership of local history, educational and heritage organisations, veterans and military history groups, community and civic bodies, chambers of commerce and business interests and has entailed a great deal of voluntary effort and hard work alongside fund raising activities. Tens of thousands of people are being involved as organisers, participants and spectators and the economic impact in terms of inward investment and job and training opportunities through heritage and battlefield tourism is considerable.

At the same time the role of local, regional and central government has been crucial in providing visible political leadership and the will to make the whole thing happen and facilitating the partnerships between heritage, community, educational and business sectors. Canada Parks and the US National Parks Service have been key and some funding streams as catalysts have obviously been important but most important has been the vision and recognition that heritage and battlefield tourism can play a key role in economic growth, inward investment and the development of the domestic and overseas tourism industry.'

Please click HERE for Howard's full paper






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